Return Policy
Not a perfect match? You have 14 days to return your order. This is how: The product has to be in the same condition in which you received it/them and with all its/their labels and tags on.
A return form should be included in the package you received, please follow the instructions to make a return. If you did not receive a return form, or if you lost it, see the following instructions:
- Send us an email to and please make sure to include your order number, the name of the item you wish to return and if there is a specific reason for the return.
- You will then get a return form where you will fill out the order receipt, describe which product you want to return, your name, phone number, email dress and payment method.
- Use a postal service if your choice, and send back your items to the address stated in the return form with a shipping that includes a tracking number. The return shipment is paid for by the customer.
- Your refund will be credited to the original purchaser’s credit card, Klarna invoice or Paypal account after we have received the returned item. If you have chosen Klarna invoice as payment method and the invoice will expire soon after you return the item, we recommend that you pay this anyway to avoid any fees.We then credit the invoice when we received and processed your return.
- Once we have received and processed your return we will contact you by email. Please note that it may take up to 14 days for us to process and refund your return.
- For orders outside Sweden/EU:
Note that duties and taxes on orders shipped outside the EU can not be refunded.
Return the product to:
Filippa Hägg AB
C/O Textile Fashion Logistics CJ AB
Industrigatan 10
504 62 BORÅS
- To exchange your order, please follow the instructions for returns and send back your unwanted pieces, and then place a new order on the website to secure your wanted ones.
- Do not hesitate to email us in advance to check if the product is available in our web shop. Please e-mail to
- Note that duties and taxes on orders shipped outside the EU can not be refunded.
The shipping cost is also nonrefundable for orders shipped outside Sweden.
- If you want to make a reclaim, you must contact us by email or phone and notify us of why you do not accept the item and specify why you think the product is not correct. Email to
- When and if we accept the reclaim we will send you a prepaid return note and further instructions. Make sure to notify FILIPPAHAGGDOTCOM of any complaint within 14 days after receiving your order.
If you do not pick up your goods, we will charge you for delivery, return and storage costs. The cost of this is currently 150 SEK. Uncollected items are not counted as cancellation of your purchase.